Tres Rosa
2 min readApr 7, 2023


I’ll be sooooo happy when that term is sunsetted into oblivion only to be read as the acronym it is.

There’s a special kind of satirical humor as the word BYE PAWK flows out of peoples mouths that are seemingly proud of themselves to present woke af while showing they be punked is cringy AF.

BYYYEEEEEEE PAHHHHHHWK droned out of mouths sometimes as a slur- sometimes as a moniker of supremacist segregation of racialized peoples.

It concerns me how a term once referenced for pimple holes in one’s face has become a term so used by valiant activists “speaking truth” BYE PAWK about how inclusion BYE through exclusion is the way to join together in separation.

Each letter monolithed as each demographic is drowned out in a pockmark with a glittering BYE felicia- a nod to the alt right who punked a whole movement BYE PAWK

An acronym spoken out loud, something as natural as sounding out FOMO or SCUBA, or RADAR. Words that have lost their period unlike LGBTQIA which no one would dare to sound out as each letter represents a demographic.

BIPOC tho? An alphabet soup acronym of racialized demographics that once again get erased. A melting pot of people of color infused with infighting to back up the separate but equal letters based in supremacy while appearing as unified.



Liberate BIPOC with periods B.I.PoC

LIberate BYE PAWK with the most inclusive term to include ALL persons affected by racial discrimination in the country now lovingly known as the divided states.

Call us what we are-Racialized.



